Saturday, December 26, 2009

Dex Electric Baby Food Processor Pokemon Diamond Help!?

Pokemon diamond help!? - dex electric baby food processor

I have a few QA - plz help me. IM on a third track in the game, but I have some questions.

1) it is better to have long-term
- Leafeon or Roselia / Roserade? (Grass)
- Luxray or Raichu? (electric)

I know theres always comes a load, but I want to know now

2) Is there anyway to get the old GBA pokemon without cartridges? I played Sapphire, Fire Red and Emerald on your computer by using a VBA emulator - There have been many great - Is it possible to upgrade from there? Can all this Pokémon is in the park or PAL cartridges I have available?

3) How can I Arcanine / Growlithe - RMB. I havent cartridge age. iv need to read or add firered and then take a ride on the highway 201 and 202 - there is no alternative? = (

4) What is the best pokemon to take what is strong, and take in many HMS?

5) is the national dex LAKE possess or click on the 151?

Thank you for your contribution! Qs'll more for later: P xx


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